Yep another version of autoTweet for Zen Cart. Just thought I’d share it here until it’s up at
Note: This mod was tested on Zencart 1.3.9a and up although probably works just fine on 1.3.8.
This modification automatically updates your Twitter
followers every time you add a product to your store. It will tweet your product’s name as
well as a shortened URL to the specific products page all without you ever
having to log in to twitter.
It also allows you to use’s free link tracking analytics.
Change log v2.0:
- Made install much easier (about 3 minutes)
- Added option to turn on/off price.
- Added twitter error checking set 10 second timeout so store doesn’t break if twitter goes down.
- Added error checking in case links don’t shortening.
Change log v1.01:
- Updated for zencart 1.3.9a
- Fixed ‘cannot re-declare class bug’ cause by bilingual stores
- Fixed cURL Followlocation Error.
- Added better support for future version of Zen Cart.
- php5+
- JSON support
- cURL
- Zen Cart 1.3.8 or greater
Getting Help:
- Help is available via the Zen Cart forums at
- Or at my site at
1. To install first unzip and edit: admin/includes/modules/update_product.php
At around line 92 you should see:
$twitUsername = "youTwitterUsername"; //twitter username $twitPassword = "yourTwitterPassword"; //twitter password $bitlyUsername = "bitlyUsername"; // username $bitApiKey = "R_0191a10f956ee982c1fda80f"; // api key. $storeUrl = ""; //url to the homepage of your store. $showprice = 0; // Show the product price? 0 = off, 1 = on. no quotes.2. Fill in between the quotes with your info.
$twitUsername = your twitter user name.
$twitPassword = your twitter password.
$bitlyUsername = your user name (available for free at
$bitApiKey = your API Key, find it by logging in to and clicking settings.
$storeUrl = The web address to your store’s home page. (Might be something like or Note: the “”http://”” before the url is not needed here.
$showprice = If you want to show your product’s price on twitter set this equal to 1 (with no quotes.) If you don’t want to set your product’s price set this equal to 0 (default).
3. Save and Upload
Save the file. Now upload the contents of your autoTweet 2.0 admin folder to your store’s admin folder. This will replace your existing update_product.php file with the autoTweet version. So if prompted allow overwriting.
That’s it! (waaaay easier than the old version!)
I hope you like the mod. If it happens to save you a whole lot of time or make you a whole lot of money… don’t forget us little people 🙂
Note: there is a new version of autoTweet available here:
autoTweet 3.0