When I set out to build this website, I decided I wanted to showcase my love for development, 3D (again), and cooking. Additionally, I wanted to take a shot at using my Japanese and try my hand at localization as it was something I had never done before. Having already worked with React and Agular, I was familiar with working with JavaScript frameworks and having worked on apps in the past with Object-C, I was familiar with app development. However, while I knew it was possible, I had never built a web, Android, and iOS at one time, from one codebase. This website served as a case study for single-source-of-truth applications as well as a valuable learning experience. Tech Stack: React Native, Supabase, Apache, Ubuntu (I’m calling it SAURN). Additional technology used: i18n JS for localization, Asana for PM, GitHub for git and CI/CD, ThreeJS to handle 3D rendering and controls, NativeBase for cross-platform components and a few others like React Navigation, Expo, etc.).
Please feel free to check it out: Jamie Taylor’s Portfolio